Endoscopes cabinets management and traceability
ChronoMEDIC is a medical complete management and traceability solution who guarantees the respect of your control procedures.
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SubscriptionOptimize the management and control of your endoscope cabinets.
ChronoMEDIC’s endoscope cabinet management solution allows to have full traceability of its endoscopes location in its storage cabinets as well as a preventive management of the expiry date of each of its endoscopes.
Our intuitive endoscope cabinet management solution facilitates endoscope fleet day-to-day and ensures compliance with Ministry of Health standards and guidelines.
Equipped with a touch screen and a dedicated computer, our endoscope storage cabinet management solution works completely autonomously or linked with our endoscopy module.

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- Complete and secure users identification ;
- Input and output identification control of each endoscope ;
- Alert and simple identification of endoscopes to be reprocessed ;
- Quick location identification of the next endoscope to be used.
- Precise and detailed list of endoscopes by storage location ;
- Full endoscope movement traceability to other cabinets ;
- Consultation of endoscopes by type and expiry date.
- Consultation of the complete histories of entries and exits per day and per user ;
- Multiple report printing as needed.
General benefits of the ChronoMEDIC system
- Methodological and quick implementation;
- Decrease in operational costs and self-financing of each module;
- Intuitive system facilitating day to day work with simple to understand and easy to use work tools;
- Modular, flexible and adaptive solutions that allow optimal operation with the processes of your hospital center;
- Direct contact with the designer and programmers;
- Support of a medical team that understands your reality.
25 years of bringing tangible results with our solutions.